Other familiar motifs show up during the course of the series, including Frieza's son Kuriza, a fat Super Saiyan named Onio, and even cameos by actual Dragon Ball characters Vegeta, Good Buu, Goku and his family ( Chi-Chi, Ox-King, Goten, Pan), and Uub. It centralizes around Neko Majin Z, a cat-like creature with traits of Goku complete with a Power Pole and typically Dragon Ball-style attacks, such as the ' Nekohameha'. The final portion of the story 'Neko Majin Z' is the most closely linked with Dragon Ball, being set after the Peaceful World Saga. The series is set in an uncivilized world in the same era and on the same Earth as Dragon Ball, and revolves around the adventures of various characters from the Neko Majin race, a group of cats that can use a little bit of magic, and seem to enjoy practical jokes and martial arts even more.